Most Significant Publications
The followings lists only the most significant publications. Please contact me directly for copies of publications not listed here.
Selected recent publications in data science and its applications
An efficient strategy for online performance monitoring of datacenters via adaptive sampling
Tingshan Huang, Nagarajan Kandasamy, Harish Sethu and Matthew Stamm
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, volume 7, number 1, pp. 155-169, January-March 2019.
Closed walk sampler: An efficient method for estimating eigenvalues of large graphs
Guyue Han and Harish Sethu
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Big Data (accepted in August 2018).
On counting triangles through edge sampling in large dynamic graphs
Guyue Han and Harish Sethu
Book chapter in Lecture Notes in Social Networks: From Security to Community Detection in Social Networking Platforms, Springer, 2019.
Waddling random walk: Fast and accurate sampling of motif statistics in large graphs
Guyue Han and Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, December 2016.
A new approach to dimensionality reduction for anomaly detection in data traffic
Tingshan Huang, Harish Sethu and Nagarajan Kandasamy
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management: Special Issue on Big Data Analytics for Management, September 2016.
Anomaly detection in computer systems using compressed measurements
Tingshan Huang, Nagarajan Kandasamy and Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), November 2015.
(Runner-up for the best-paper award among 172 submissions)
On estimating the spectral radius of large graphs through subgraph sampling
Xiaoyu Chu and Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (with IEEE INFOCOM), April 2015.
Evaluating compressive sampling strategies for performance monitoring of data centers
Tingshan Huang, Nagarajan Kandasamy and Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing, September 2012.
Using text analysis to understand the structure and dynamics of the world wide web as a multi-relational graph
Harish Sethu and Alexander Yates
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (Workshop on Finding Synergies Between Texts and Networks), August 2010.
Other significant publications
Cooperative topology control with adaptation for improved lifetime in wireless ad hoc networks
Xiaoyu Chu and Harish Sethu
Ad Hoc Networks
July 2015, volume 30, pp. 99-114.
A preliminary version appeared in IEEE INFOCOM 2012.
On improving the representation of a region achieved by a sensor network
Xiaoyu Chu and Harish Sethu
Ad Hoc Networks
May 2012, volume 10, issue 3, pp. 552-568.
A preliminary version appeared in IEEE INFOCOM 2009.
A new distributed topology control algorithm for wireless environments with non-uniform path loss and multipath propagation
Harish Sethu and Thomas Gerety
Ad Hoc Networks
May 2010, volume 8, issue 3, pages 280-294.
Max-min fair scheduling in input-queued switches
Madhusudan R. Hosaagrahara and Harish Sethu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
April 2008, volume 19, number 4, pp. 462-475.
Degree-sequenced matching algorithms for input-queued switches
Madhusudan R. Hosaagrahara and Harish Sethu
Telecommunication Systems
February 2007, volume 34, no. 1-2, pp. 37-49.
On achieving fairness in the joint allocation of buffer and bandwidth resources: Principles and algorithms
Yunkai Zhou and Harish Sethu
Computer Networks
September 2006, volume 50, issue 13, pp. 2239-2254.
On achieving fairness in the joint allocation of processing and bandwidth resources: Principles and algorithms
Yunkai Zhou and Harish Sethu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
October 2005, volume 13, issue 5, pp. 1054-1067.
Toward end-to-end fairness: A framework for the allocation of multiple prioritized resources in switches and routers
Yunkai Zhou and Harish Sethu
Computer Communications
November 2005, volume 28, issue 18, pp. 2105-2118.
On achieving software diversity for improved network security using distributed coloring algorithms
Adam J. O'Donnell and Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
October 2004, pp. 121-131, Washington, DC, USA.
Greedy fair queueing: A goal-oriented strategy for fair real-time packet scheduling
Hongyuan Shi and Harish Sethu
Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)
December 2003, pp. 345-356, Cancun, Mexico.
Congestion control, differentiated services, and efficient capacity management through a novel pricing strategy
Adam J. O'Donnell and Harish Sethu
Computer Communications
August 2003, volume 26, issue 13, pp. 1457-1469.
Fair and efficient packet scheduling using Elastic Round Robin
Salil S. Kanhere, Harish Sethu and Alpa B. Parekh
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
March 2002, volume 13, number 3, pages 324-336.
On the relationship between absolute and relative fairness bounds
Yunkai Zhou and Harish Sethu
IEEE Communications Letters
January 2002, volume 6, number 1, pages 37-39.